Meg Bowman gathered many of these quotations together in 1988 for her Dramatic
Readings on Feminist Issues. When performed each sexist quote is
burned after being read aloud. They were published in 1997 in Women
Without Superstition, No Gods, No Masters, edited by Annie Laurie
Gaylor* It is not a complete list.
Of course few people, even Christian clergy would agree with these
quotations today, but they represent the history of the deep seated
religious attitudes that lead to the still prevalent demeaning and ill
treatment of women. What plans do the religions have to repudiate and
apologise for the harm that these doctrines have done to millions of women
and girls today and throughout history?:-
1) One of the worst sexists was the revered sage Confucius. This
respected religious leader said,
"One hundred women are not worth a single testicle."
2)This respected authority on how to live wrote in the Confucian
Marriage Manual (551-479 BCE) The five worst infirmities that
affect the female are indocility, discontent, slander, jealousy and
silliness ... Such is the stupidity of women's character, that it is
incumbent upon her, in every particular, to distrust herself and to obey
her husband.
3) The Hindu Code of Mann, dated about 250 BCE regulates social
customs and lists detailed precepts for daily life, such as: "In
childhood a women must be subject to her father; in youth, to her husband;
when her husband is dead, to her sons. A woman must never be free of
4) Also from this most impressive law book: "If a wife has no
children after eight years of marriage, she shall be banished; if all of
her children are dead, she can be dismissed after ten years; and, if she
produces only girls she shall be repudiated after eleven years."
5) Tertullian, the founder of Western theology, said in A.D. 22:
"Woman is a temple built over a sewer, the gateway to the devil.
Woman, you are the devil's doorway. You should always go in mourning and
in rags." He also wrote: "Do you know that each of your women is
an Eve? The sentence of God - on this sex of yours -lives in this age; the
guilt must necessarily live, too. You are the gate of Hell, you are the
temptress of the forbidden tree; you are the first deserter of the divine
6) And the church father St. Clement of Alexandria wrote in 96:
"Let us set our womenfold on the road to goodness by teaching them
... to display ... submissiveness, to observe silence. Every woman should
be overwhelmed with shame at the thought that she is a woman."
7) St. John Chrysostom (345?-407), Patriarch of Constantinople:
"Among all savage beasts none is found so harmful as woman."
8) St. Ambrose, author and composer of hymns, bishop of Milan
(340?- 397): "Adam was led to sin by Eve and Eve by Adam. It is just
and right that woman accept as lord and master him whom she led to
sin." (I say, "Eve Was Framed!")
9) The "moral majority" has been around a long time. Listen
to this early Christian church father St. Augustine (354-430):
"Any woman who acts in such a way that she cannot give birth to as
many children as she is capable of, makes herself guilty of that many
murders ..."
10) Council of Macon: In the year 584,in Lyons, France,
forty-three Catholic bishops and twenty men representing other bishops,
held a most serious debate: "Are Women Human?" After many
lengthy arguments, a vote was taken. The results were thirty-two yes,
thirty-one no. Women were declared human by one vote!
11) The Koran, the catechism, the holy book of Islam, (Circa
650): Men are superior to women.
12) Daily prayer of the Orthodox Jewish Male (still in use
today): "Blessed art thou, 0 Lord our God and King of the Universe,
that thou didst not create me a woman."
13) The Old Testament book of Deuteronomy (22:20-21) notes
that if a woman be found not to be a virgin, ". . . then they shall
bring the damsel to the door of her father's house and the men of the city
shall stone her with stones that she die."
14) Exodus 20:17 and 22:16-17 declares as law that if a man
seduces a virgin who is not betrothed (thus damaging the father's
property)-he (the rapist) shall marry her. (Can you imagine having to
marry your rapist?!) If the father doesn't wish this, the rapist shall pay
money equivalent to the marriage/bride price for virgins.
15) Job 25:4: "How can he be clean that is born of
16) Leviticus 12:1-2, 5: And the Lord spake unto Moses saying:
speak unto the children of Israel, saying: if a woman be delivered,
"... and bear a man-child then she shall be unclean for seven days
.... But if she bear a maid-child, then she shall be unclean for two
17) In 1847, a British obstetrician, Dr. Simpson, used chloroform as an
anesthetic in delivering a baby. A scandal followed, and the holy men of
the Church of England prohibited the use of anesthetic in childbirth,
citing Genesis 3:16: "God said to woman Eve, I will greatly
multiply thy sorrow and thy pain in childbearing. In pain thou shalt bring
forth children ... and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall
rule over thee. "
18) Ecclesiastes 7:26-28: "I find a woman more bitter than
death; she is a snare, her heart a net, her arms are chains. No wickedness
comes anywhere near the wickedness of a woman. May a sinner's lot be
19) New Testament: I Corinthians 11:7-9: Man is the image of God
... whereas woman reflects the glory of man. For man did not originally
spring from woman, but woman was made out of man; and man was not created
for woman's sake, but woman for the sake of man.
20) I Timothy 2:9-12,15: I desire that "women should adorn
themselves modestly and sensibly ... not with braided hair or gold or
pearls or costly attire ... Let a woman learn in silence with all
submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she
is to keep silent. Yet women will be saved through bearing children, if
she continues in faith and love and holiness, with modesty."
21) I Corinthians 14:33-36: 'It is shameful for a woman to speak
in church. Wives should regard their husbands as they regard the Lord.
Women are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate. If there is
anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands at home;for it
is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.'
22) The Coptic text of the Gospel of Thomas (these are the
Gnostic texts discovered in 1945) translates: (114) Simon Peter said to
them, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so
that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every
woman who will make herself male will enter the Kingdom of heaven."
23) Moving into the Middle Ages, St. Thomas Aquinas, the
well-known 13th-century Italian
theologian, said: "Woman is defective and accidental... and
misbegotten ... a male gone awry ... the result of some weakness in the
(father's) generative power."
24) The renowned Protestant clergyman, Martin Luther
(1483-1546), said: "God created Adam lord of all living creatures,
but Eve spoiled it all." And: "Women should remain at home, sit
still, keep house and bear and bring up children." Again: "If a
woman grows weary and, at last, dies from childbearing, it matters not.
Let her die from bearing; she is there to do it." [Die Ethnik Martin
Luthers, Althaus, p. 100; or, this may have been said by Philip Melancthon,
an associate of Luther.]
25) John Knox, sixteenth-century founder of Scottish
Presbyterianism, declared: Woman in her greatest perfection was made to
serve and obey man, not rule and command him.
26) Samuel Butler (1612-1680), the English poet, wrote:
"The souls of women are so small that some believe they've none at
27) French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712- 1778): The
whole education of women ought to be relative to men. To please them, to
be useful to them ... to make life sweet and agreeable to them.
28) Swiss Protestant theologian Karl Barth (1886-1968) said:
"Woman is ontologically subordinate to man.
29) Pope Pius XII said in 1941 (He reigned I939-I958): "The
pains that, since original sin, a mother has to suffer to give birth to
her child only draw tighter the bonds that bind them; she loves it the
more, the more pain it has cost her."
30) Dr. C. W Shedd, Presbyterian minister in Houston, Texas,
wrote this advice in Letters on How to Treat a Woman (1968): "It
seems to me that nearly every woman I know wants a man who knows how to
love with authority. ... Our family airedale will come clear across the
yard for one pat on the head. The average wife is like that. She will come
across town, across the house, across the room, across to your point of
view, and across almost anything to give you her love if you offer her
yours with some honest approval."
further quotations listed on:-
1) [Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica,Q92, art., Reply
Obj.]"As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and
misbegotten, for the active power of the male seed tends to the production
of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while the production of a
woman comes from a defect in the active force or from some material
indisposition, or even from some external influence'"
2) (Deuteronomy 22:3-2)'If a man takes a wife and, after lying
with her, dislikes her and slanders her and gives her a bad name, saying,
'I married this woman, but when I approached her, I did not find proof of
her virginity,' then the girl's father and mother shall bring proof that
she was a virgin to the town elders at the gate. The girl's father will
say to the elders, 'I gave my daughter in marriage to this man, but he
dislikes her. Now he has slandered her and said I did not find your
daughter to be a virgin. But here is the proof of my daughter's
virginity.' Then her parents shall display the cloth before the elders of
the town, and the elders shall take the man and punish him. They shall
fine him a hundred shekels of silver and give them to the girl's father,
because this man has given an Israelite virgin a bad name. She shall
continue to be his wife; he must not divorce her as long as he lives. If,
however, the charge is true and no proof of the girl's virginity can be
found, she shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there
the men of the town shall stone her to death. She has done a disgraceful
thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father's house.
You must purge the evil from among you.'
and :
3) (Lev. 20:10)'If a man commits adultery with another man's
wife both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death' .
4) (Ecclesiasticus 22:3)The Catholic Bible states
explicitly that: 'The birth of a daughter is a loss'
.(see also
5) The Talmud describes the financial situation of a wife as
follows: 'How can a woman have anything; whatever is hers belongs to her
husband? What is his is his and what is hers is also his...... Her
earnings and what she may find in the streets are also his. The household
articles, even the crumbs of bread on the table, are his. Should she
invite a guest to her house and feed him, she would be stealing from her
husband...' (San. 7a, Git. 62a)
See Women
Without Superstition No Gods, No Masters