International Humanist News 2003
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It may be true that "the issue
of women's emancipation has become a buzz word the world over" (
'Humanism and Women's Rights in Nigeria' Dr C.O. Isiramen IHN
July 2002), and we are reading many articles about the extremes of
oppression and cruelty meted out to women in Muslim countries,
beatings, stonings and mutilation and death for infringing rigid,
sexist, religious and sexual doctrines of Islam. (or at least we were
during the action in Afghanistan!)
Be it the rape and pillage of war, or
the maiming, and enslaving of women in the name of religion, it is
women and children who are the victims, and it is men who carry it out
(Note: This is not to say that all men rape and pillage). It
has always been so and at last the media including the secularist
press, is excited enough about it to devote print space to describing
the detail and the horror stories; more or less luridly depending upon
the status of a country as 'friend or foe' in the case of the
tabloids, or its usefulness to, and compliance with US/UK interests,
to the British Media especially the BBC. And I am not complaining
about this, since the credit for the current exposure of such
treatment, must go to the courageous women activists and resistors of
oppression, as well as women reporters and journalists who have
travelled to see for themselves, and exposed the worst situations in
Muslim countries.
However, it should not be supposed
that should Muslim women gain the freedom of British women, that will
be the end of the story. For at the present rate, they will find that
many British men have found more subtle ways of suppressing the
troublesome women who keep trying to get in on the act (of
participating in serious matters of the day)! Ways that do not involve
cruelty, or attract attention, but are non-the-less effective in
keeping women's views off the agenda.
We in the West pride ourselves on our
liberated state, though many sisters deride what they call feminism,
as no longer relevant, and for clever, educated young women with
qualifications and careers that enable them to be economically
independent it may well be true. Yet for most women Dr Isiramen's
description of women's status in Nigeria (IHN July 2002
Humanism and Women's Rights in Nigeria p20-21)) could, excepting the
extremes of Sharia Law in the North, equally apply to Britain today.
Women who want to participate in the discussions and decision making
process, and be treated as equals by men in many fields of activity,
will find themselves not only under a glass ceiling, but in a glass
In drawing our attention to the
violent content and expression of our everyday language, Professor
Hardman in her fascinating article Language and War (IHN July2002)
demonstrated the dominant machismo that is so ingrained in it that we
do not even recognise it. Much the same can be said of other aspects
of sexism, shaped by centuries of male military and religious
We should not forget how recent
women's emancipation is in the UK. It is still within living memory
that women were 'given' the vote, and the last witch was hanged. Even
after that, women were forced to give up their jobs on marriage and
could not get a mortgage or a loan without the permission of a man.
Even at the beginning of the last century women were hobbled in long
skirts and corsets, refused entry to higher education, university or
medical school; they were not even allowed onto the stage until well
after Shakespeare's time! Still today women are barred from golf
clubs, and male social clubs, and secret societies, but more
importantly suffer the continued discrimination in the workplace, in
pay and pensions provision, and suffer the effects of exclusion from
the old boy networks and democratic representation in government and
This may be nothing in comparison to
the Burkha and all it represents, but relative to the position of
western men compared to men in Muslim countries the relative status is
not so far ahead in some respects! Much is being made of the gradual
forging ahead of girls in our school system, with journalists and
commentators 'worried about it'! This illustration of the ability of
women and girls to learn, perform and participate in some respects
better than men and boys, makes one wonder where our civilisation
could have been had they not been 'excluded' for all those centuries
From an atheist point of view, much
of the development of sexism stems from the position of inferiority
assigned to women by the 'great' monotheistic male dominated
religions. Their conservatism and relegation of women, non-white and
disabled people to a subservient position along with the children, by
clerics of all kinds, has had the effect of stifling human progress in
almost every field. Imagine where we would be now if women had been
accorded equal value, equal status, educated and allowed to contribute
to the march of progress? Women were further encumbered, by the
institutional suppression of women by the influence of religion on the
supposedly secular organisations of government and state, education,
business and commerce, science and technology.
Instead of the skewed values and
thinking, the divisiveness and violence that disfigures human affairs,
we may well have developed with a more balanced and humane
Today in the UK the churches still
treat religious women as inferior, and exclude them from higher paid
jobs and continue to promote a limited role for women in the family
for others not of their religion. They still try to limit women's
freedom to control their own fertility In our secular society, there
is still discrimination in many fields, politics, business and work.
So what of the secular humanist
movement, is it in the vanguard of equal rights for women? I think
not. No doubt there is a verbal commitment sincerely meant, but if you
look at its structures, organisation, journals, membership and
culture, you will find a very uneven picture. While some would come
out of such an exercise quite well, you would find that other
individuals, while paying lip service, will show disturbing
similarities with church and secular institutions. You will find
discrepancies between the commitment and the actuality. You will find
'the statutory woman', the 'woman on a pedestal', journals with almost
all male writers, content and appeal. And if you question, you will
hear the same excuses as are always made by people blind to
discrimination, "women are not interested", "their
language is too bland", and most ironically since they are
largely confined by editors in what they can get into print:
"they do not write about things that atheists are interested
in" ! Laterly I have also heard "we commission more writing
now", "we publish to a theme" all of which increases
the already tight control of atheist opinion even within the movement.
Expressions of reluctance to publish articles written under pseudonyms
also hit women writers more than men, since research shows that women
feel a greater need to protect themselves from violent reaction if
they are outspoken in their opinions2.
There are
many questions too relating to the more inclusive and open acceptance
of lifestyles, traditionally opposed by the churches same-sex
relationships, single parent families. Does the fact that more
children grow up outside the traditional male dominated home increase
women's role and status? Do homosexual men take on the same cultural
conditioning as heterosexual men?
The spur to this article came from
reading several interesting and informative articles in the 2002
Commemorative Issue of International Humanist News. Although female
contributions were in a substantial minority, (and it is not easy to
distinguish from names that we do not recognise as male or female) it
compared favourably with a Centenary issue of another magazine a few
years ago, that out of 30 contributions, included only one from a
woman. Among 57 Honorary Associates, there are I believe currently
only five women, which presumably reflects the past fifty or so years
of professional and academic progress of women.
Some Secular and Humanist journals
are using more women writers than in the past, but they are still
grossly underrepresented. It is notable how often female writers only
get into print on women's issues, are highly qualified Doctors or
Professors, have a first name that does not reveal their gender, or
use initials instead of a female first name. Some years ago, when
challenged on its dearth of material by women, a previous editor of an
atheist magazine, listed several of the most famous writers of the
last century who had at one time or another had items published in
that journal. The fact of their eminence, and lack of comparisons with
male contributions, rather confirmed the point. Male writers can get
into print, on any subject, regardless of 'qualification' even if
their name is plain Tom Smith, while a women has to have a special
reason, either academic or professional qualification or by dint of
being a woman. These journals are of course not alone in this, if you
compare them with the major broad sheet newspapers you will find the
same phenomenon. Be that as it may, I think we should expect better
from the Secular Humanist movement. For an Editor of any national
journal to write "I have tried really hard to get female writers
on board, with very scant success. This, I believe, is because few of
them have the stomach to use the forthright, uncompromising language
.......we require, and choose to pussyfoot around with subjects that
are of little interest to ...our readers" is deplorable.
For any woman to attempt to challenge
the status quo on sexism always attracts indignation from some who
consider themselves free of prejudice. Even people who would argue
most strongly against prejudice, and are themselves members of
minorities that are discriminated against, and when faced with the
evidence, can be blind to this most subtle form of discrimination, so
deep seated is it. Many men in particular, (and I have to exclude
those who do not, as this is a usual diversion to detract from the
criticism) feel affronted that their dominant position should be
challenged at all, least of all by an unremarkable, white, English,
middle-aged, middle class woman who may be intelligent and educated,
but is not a university professor or well known journalist or
personality. And support will usually not be forthcoming from women
who have managed to attain 'pedestal', 'statutory' or professional
status, since they may be easily persuaded that they have attained
their positions entirely and only as a result of their own qualities
and efforts. That they may be part of the process of exclusion of
other women may be never have occurred to them.
The religions will only change in
response to demand, their doctrines and practice are rigid, but they
will as they always have done, accommodate changes in society when
they are forced to. They will not however promote change. They will
drag their heels, slowing it down as best they can until they have to
give way The Freethought movement will eventually have to change too.
There can be no excuse for people who would campaign vigorously for
people's rights, against sectarianism and discrimination against
people who are black or brown, foreign or homosexual to discriminate
against women.
Anne Shaw